What to do with coffee grounds? The reprocessing of a large number of coffee grounds has shown diversification, and its reuse has both environmental protection and economic value. What should I do if the coffee grounds have a lot of moisture? The coffee grounds dehydration and drying equipment has mature technology and low operating costs, which more effectively increases the profit of coffee grounds reuse.
The problem of high water content of coffee grounds is based on the requirements of the user's reprocessing process, forming coffee grounds dehydration equipment and coffee grounds drying equipment. The coffee grounds dehydration equipment is mainly a belt extrusion dehydrator, which belongs to the high-strength extrusion dehydration process with external force, and removes about 20 pieces of external water; while the coffee grounds drying equipment belongs to the high-temperature evaporation process of internal water, and the moisture content of the dried coffee grounds is in the 15% or so. In this way, it has a better guarantee for the reprocessing of coffee grounds and market trade, and avoids the pollution and decay of the high-humidity waste residues of the coffee grounds, thereby causing the depreciation of the coffee grounds.
Coffee grounds dehydration and drying equipment can be customized and supplied as a complete set for the situation where the initial moisture content of coffee grounds exceeds 60%. Abroad, coffee grounds began to be processed to promise coffee cups, and even clothes. Therefore, the recycling and reprocessing of coffee grounds has high economic value and is more environmentally friendly.